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Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai

FANHALL ID: if01776
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片名: Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai
其它片名: 鬼狗杀手
导演: Jim Jarmusch
编剧: Jim Jarmusch
制片人: Richard Guay, Jim Jarmusch, Diana Schmidt
摄影: Robby Müller
美术: Mario Ventenilla
声音: David Boulton
剪辑: Jay Rabinowitz
主演: Forest Whitaker, John Tormey, Cliff Gorman, Dennis Liu, Frank Minucci
音乐: RZA
片长: 116分钟
年份: 1999年
国别: 法国 德国 美国 日本
语言: 英语 法语
制作机构: Pandora Filmproduktion

影片概述 . . . . . .

This is a great film; it has pretty much everything a great film needs: a great score, great actors, great performances, etc. The film revolves around Ghost Dog, perfectly portrayed by Forest Whitaker. He is a assassin who lives by the code of the Samurai. Apart from him, we also follow the fate of several mafia men(though nowhere near as intimately as we follow Ghost Dog). These two very different groups, Samurai and mafia, are both depicted reasonably well, giving us insight to how the groups work, and, more importantly, their code. Both groups live and die by the code, and this is probably the most important thing in the movie, and it's shown with respect with both Samurai and mafia; I'm not entirely sure that it's correct all the way through, but that's not what's most important, anyway. The film has reasonably little action, but it's not supposed to be an action film, by any means. It's fairly slow throughout the film, but it never really bores you to the point of not watching any more; I've seen the film at least five times now, so believe me, I know. The film is very stylized and cool throughout, which definitely has some part in keeping you interested, but the theme and story/plot plays a bigger part, I think. The plot is pretty good, and though it keeps a fairly slow pace throughout the film, it also keeps your interest for the entire duration of the film. The acting is all good, though not everyone pulls off as excellent a performance as Whitaker. Isaach De Bankolé portrays Ghost Dog's best friend, and he does gives a great performance. So does Camille Winbush, who portrays a girl who Ghost Dog befriends and discusses books with. The characters are well-written and(mostly) credible. I'm not entirely sure that the film does provide a totally correct version of the Code of the Samurai. The soundtrack is great; it's made by the hip-hop artist RZA, but most of it will be enjoyable to people who aren't into hip-hop. Also, I guess it's more of a score than a soundtrack; there isn't any time where the music feels out of place in a scene. All in all, a great film, but not for all tastes. Don't go in expecting an action film; don't go in expecting a very deep an entirely intellectual film; don't go in expecting a regular movie; go in expecting to see a decent(if not good) representation of both the mafia code and the Samurai code. I've heard some people describe the ending as an anti-climax; I don't know what they were expecting... I won't say that I saw it coming, but I wasn't disappointed when it happened. It had to end it, and I think the director, Jim Jarmusch made a good decision on that. I recommend this film to people with an interest in Samurai, fans of Jarmusch and people looking for a reasonably deep film. I don't recommend this to fans of action movies, as there's fairly little action in the film. No matter who you are, if you're going to see this film, make sure you have the patience for it; it's worth sitting through the two reasonably slow hours for. 8/10 居住在新泽西的黑帮杀手“鬼狗”(Forest Whitaker弗雷斯特•惠特克 饰)身为非裔,却浸淫在日本武士道的精神世界里,“忠义”为其平生最高信条。他深居简出,不苟言笑,日常与老大靠飞鸽传书联系。鬼狗视老大路易(John Tormey 饰)如亲生父亲,接到命令后决不手软,手起刀落,血浆四溅。

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