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Les Maisons de Misère

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片名: Les Maisons de Misère
其它片名: 苦难之家/Houses of Misery
导演: Henri Storck, Fernand Piette
编剧: Henri Storck, Fernand Piette
制片人: R.G. Le Vaux, Dassonville Laboratory, Gevaert film
摄影: Eli Lotar, John Ferno
剪辑: Henri Storck
主演: Brenda, Beauffre, Marion Chevolet, Gazeau, Jihem
音乐: Maurice Jaubert
片长: 30分钟
年份: 1937年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 比利时
语言: 法语
格式: 35毫米/黑白
制作机构: National society for low-price housing

影片概述 . . . . . .

This fictional documentary begins and ends with a chorus and a song
that has the emotional impact of "The Damned of the Earth" or "The
Threepenny Opera". Borinage left Henri Storck profoundly disturbed by
injustice and social poverty. When he was offered a chance to make
another such film he undertook an in-depth survey into the working
class and slums and shouldered once again his camera as a militant
filmmaker. In a plot of Walloon slums he staged characters and
situations as examples: the promiscuity of large families, women who
die in childbirth, the fear of the bailiffs, the money lenders and the
heartless, grasping landlords, the evictions, the children deprived of
childhood, the unemployment, the incest and the sluts, the
tuberculosis, the impossibility of learning, the solidarity between
neighbours. All shots work on intensity, the filling of the frame,
which gives the impression of being unable to breathe, of being
trapped, closed in. For example: the tiny room where a whole family
sleeps piled up in such a way as to make it impossible to move around
without stepping over a body or moving a basin; the children's
cemetery; the portrait of a family under a clothes line on which is
hanging a mixed bunch of socks with holes in them; the stealing of the
scooter, the six-year old kids transformed into little mums for the
last-born child. And in the face of this overflowing misery is the
emptiness of the expressions, the absence of emotion. Survival is all.
But the message of hope is there, with the destruction of slums (the
hovels are demolished as if getting rid of a tyrant) and the
construction of garden cities surrounded by trees in bloom and a future
of song, leaves one with the impression that man's dignity has been

"Over half of these three reels paint a violent, devastating picture of
the horror of the slums such as I have never seen created in the
cinema. Nothing in the American films on similar subjects comes close
to the intelligence, the sensitivity and the generosity that the author
of this film brought to his task."

Paul Strand, The American Filmmaker, 1939

"The subject matter has been fictionalized; it was played by seventy
actors and extras. It was chosen by the Museum of Modern Art in New
York as one of the best documentaries produced in the world, and in
Belgium it was awarded the highest distinction, the Grand Prix du Roi."

Press release of the CEP

这部故事纪录片的开篇和结尾笼罩于《受诅的地球》或《三毛钱歌剧》此等歌曲的感性情调之中。由于深受不公和贫困的困扰,Henri storck最终选择离开Borinage。当得到机会拍摄另一部纪录片时,他决定像一名激进分子那样,扛起摄像机,深入到工人阶级和贫民区中去。例如在瓦隆贫民区的场景中,人们便看到这样一幅幅画面:混乱杂居的家庭,死于难产的母亲,对法警的恐慌,无情的放债人,贪婪的房东,流离失所的人们,孩子们过着贫瘠的童年,人们失去工作,荡妇和乱伦之祸随处可见,饱受疾病折磨的人,不可能完成的学业,以及邻里之间的团结。

面对如此沉重的苦难,人们却面无表情,没有任何情感的表露。生存就是一切。而希望正在传达着信息,如同推翻一个暴君的统治,人们将贫民区夷为平地,开始建造一个绿树成荫,鲜花盛开的花园城市,而歌声中所展示的的未来,则将留给人们这样的印象:人的尊严终将受到捍卫 。


Paul Strand,美国电影制片人,1939年



导演阐述 . . . . . .



Henri Storck,访谈于1937年
"Above all, the film needed to have the character of an inquiry, of
irreproachable and captivating reporting. So we made it into a pure
documentary. However, the desire on the one hand to avoid the
intervention of a presenter, and on the other, to make the inhabitants
of the slums speak about the slums and allow them to live out ordinary
episodes of their everyday lives before the spectators, led us to
create a series of scenes connected to each other by a loose anecdotal
link, but also by a link of logical and precise reporting. The formula
of the film allows a genuine and constructed report to unfold on the
screen and, with the aid of a series of acted scenes, gives the film a
dramatic aspect and form at certain times. I think it is possible and
even rewarding to closely mix drama and documentary in this way. I
believe that this formula, as yet ill-defined, offers great
possibilities for the future.

Henri Storck, interview, 1937

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