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Au Carrefour de la vie

FANHALL ID: if01760
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片名: Au Carrefour de la vie
其它片名: 人生的交叉路口/The crossroad of life
导演: Henri Storck, Luc de Heusch, Georges Lust
编剧: Luc de Heusch, Stéphane Cordier, George Lust
制片人: Paul Leleu
摄影: François Rents, Charles Abel
声音: Jacques Carrère
剪辑: Henri Storck
主演: Jean-Paul, Renée Delnatte, Nadine Bellaigue, Anne-Marie Ferrière
音乐: Raymond Chevreuille
片长: 28分钟
年份: 1949年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 比利时
格式: 35毫米/黑白
制作机构: CEP

影片概述 . . . . . .


Francis Bolen,《比利时电影的真实历史》,Mémo et Codec出版社,1978年


G. Pl,《红旗》(比利时共产党日报),布鲁塞尔,1949年4月29日
...was entirely filmed in natural exteriors and surroundings (the Law Courts in Brussels, a psycho-medical clinic...). The argument of the film, that there are no guilty children, only ill or traumatised ones, is pertinently demonstrated through specific cases."

Francis Bolen, Histoire authentique du cinéma belge, Ed. Mémo et Codec, 1978

"The sound, the music, the script and the commentary are practically faultless. The actors' performances, especially the children's, are very natural, so much so that one can almost believe one is in the presence of true delinquents."

G. Pl., Le Drapeau rouge, Brussels, April 29, 1949

What is delinquency, how can it be prevented, how should one respond to it? These questions were answered in the film by parallel fictions of two adolescents. Justin, a young runaway and thief, an illegitimate child ill-loved by his mother and stepfather, is a perfect role model for the boy Antoine Doinel in 400 coups by Truffaut. Jeanne, a mixture of Cosette and Mouchette, is prey to all the misfortunes of young girls who are abandoned, raped and prostituted. Their stories are beautiful and sad and are concluded by a judicial and institutional happy ending. But above all, they are made moving by remarkable directing that makes them into real film characters and not simply mouthpieces for the good cause. Other mini stories, that of the little robber girl, the violent boy, and the spoilt child bring counterpoints and open the field of delinquency that touches all social levels. The social response, be it judicial or psycho-medical, is analyzed and deemed positive overall. All of this half-fiction, half-documentary film is told in voice over, where the inner monologue of the characters and an explanatory commentary are intermingled. The message is generous and of topical interest, but above all it has concealed within it like treasure, two perfect little tales.

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