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Ostende, queen of the beach

FANHALL ID: if01753
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片名: Ostende, queen of the beach
其它片名: 奥斯坦德,沙滩上的女皇/Ostende reine des plages
导演: Henri Storck
编剧: Henri Storck
制片人: Henri Storck
声音: Jean Painlevé
音乐: Maurice Jaubert, James Ensor
片长: 11分钟
年份: 1931年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 比利时
格式: 35毫米/黑白
制作机构: Cinégraphie documentaire

影片概述 . . . . . .

本片摄制于1930年,当时亨利斯托克正担任奥斯坦德市的官方摄影师。影片由35个报道的片断剪辑合成,展现出奥斯坦德生活的独特乐趣,那里的白天与夜晚,节庆和海滩,运动和娱乐。这本海滨休闲画册的魅力之处在于导演的信念,影像的感官吸引,以及每个镜头中所渗透的愉悦情绪。。“上周日在Ciné-palace电影院举行了一场特别的放映,内容是关于二十年前的奥斯坦德。虽然放映安排在上午举行,而通常在这个时间奥斯坦德的居民不是去武器广场看铜管乐演奏就是去做弥撒,但整个城市的人都来了。人们是来看奥斯坦德在被战争摧毁之前完好无损的的样子,影片开始的表现夏日午后海滩的段落,堪称拍摄剪辑的神来之笔。...人们无比地激动的看着斯托克先生拍摄的胶片,它们足以让每个人的内心变得脆弱。银幕上,对往昔最美好的回忆,则封存于那些保留下来的自然景物之中,从没有人可以把它们夺走。镜头对浪花的处理令人赞叹,以及那些翻卷的海浪和沙滩,叫人赏心悦目This film is a montage composed of extracts of 35 reports filmed in
1930 by Henri Storck as official cinégraphiste of the city of Ostend.
It is a film about the special joys of being an Ostender. Ostend by day
and by night, Ostend festivities and beaches, Ostend sports and games.
The charming thing about this catalogue of seaside resort leisure
activities is the conviction of the filmmaker, the sensuality of the
images and the spirit of pleasure that defines all the shots. The
opening sequence, one summer afternoon on the beach, is a masterpiece
of observation and editing.


"An unusual screening took place in Ostend twenty years ago. Although
it took place in the morning at a time when many inhabitants of Ostend
are normally watching the brass band on the Place d'armes or are at
mass, everybody who was anybody in Ostend was there. They came to see
Ostend as it was before it was demolished... Ostend intact... Ostend
complete... Such emotion to see it on Mr. Storck's film... But enough
self-pity. The best evocation of memory on the screen was in the
natural things that remain, that no one has managed to take away. The
admirable study of spray effected by the camera. The swell of the sea.
The beaches."

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