Die Beispiellose Verteidigung der Festung Deutschkreuz
片名: | Die Beispiellose Verteidigung der Festung Deutschkreuz |
其它片名: | 德意志要塞无防范之抵御 |
导演: | Werner Herzog |
编剧: | Werner Herzog |
摄影: | Jaime Pacheco |
声音: | Uwe Brandner |
剪辑: | Werner Herzog |
主演: | Peter Brumm, Georg Eska, Karl-Heinz Steffel |
片长: | 14分钟 |
年份: | 1967年 |
类型: | 短片 |
国别: | 西德 |
语言: | 德语 |
格式: |
影片概述 . . . . . .
A group of young men break into an old deserted castle and find some uniforms and become soldiers. On the soundtrack the narrator speaks of the history of the building and eventually talks of the necessity of war.
Clever look at how boys playing war may end up taking it too far. Its a bit one note and is probably a couple of minutes too long, however there are some intriguing moments such as the change that happens as the uniforms are put on or how the military mind is ultimately operating in an us or them mode. Its not the sort of thing that one need watch more than once, but its an okay time passer. Mostly its real interest lies with anyone who's a fan of director Werner Herzog. All others may not feel the need to see it.
荷索的第三个短片 ,渐渐显露其鬼才
Clever look at how boys playing war may end up taking it too far. Its a bit one note and is probably a couple of minutes too long, however there are some intriguing moments such as the change that happens as the uniforms are put on or how the military mind is ultimately operating in an us or them mode. Its not the sort of thing that one need watch more than once, but its an okay time passer. Mostly its real interest lies with anyone who's a fan of director Werner Herzog. All others may not feel the need to see it.
荷索的第三个短片 ,渐渐显露其鬼才
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