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FANHALL ID: if01490
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片名: Stroszek
其它片名: 史楚锡流浪记
导演: Werner Herzog
编剧: Werner Herzog
制片人: Willi Segler
摄影: Thomas Mauch
声音: Haymo Heyder, Peter van Anft
剪辑: Beate Mainka-Jellinghaus
主演: Bruno S., Clemens Scheitz, Eva Mattes
音乐: Chet Atkins, Sonny Terry
片长: 115分钟
年份: 1977年
类型: 剧情
国别: 西德
语言: 德语/英语
制作机构: Skellig Edition

影片概述 . . . . . .

A friend once commented to me that what made a painting more interesting than say, just the oil on the canvas, was the story behind the painting and the story behind the person who painted it. This works ideally when applied to this wonderfully, deeply affecting film. IF you've watched this film then you must know a little about the back story and if now read the twenty other reviews posted here. The truth is what makes this film great! The truth it takes to mix this film with fact and fiction, to script or not to script! To style or not to style. This is wondrous. Herzog is one of those film makers that only come along once in a very very long time, And of course you all know about the ending. It's fitting I suppose perhaps prophetic if you really think about it. Never How! Let the beauty of this film pass down from good friend to good friend. FIVE STARS!


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——2009-04-02 15:38:38,4444上传

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