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Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen

FANHALL ID: if01463
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片名: Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen
其它片名: 侏儒流氓/Even Dwarfs Started Small
导演: Werner Herzog
编剧: Werner Herzog
制片人: Werner Herzog
摄影: Thomas Mauch
声音: Herbert Prasch
剪辑: Beate Mainka-Jellinghaus
主演: Helmut Döring, Paul Glauer, Gisela Hertwig
音乐: Florian Fricke
片长: 96分钟
年份: 1971年
类型: 剧情
国别: 西德
语言: 德语
制作机构: Werner Herzog Filmproduktion

影片概述 . . . . . .

Werner Herzog's upsetting, black and white, documentary-like EVEN DWARFS STARTED SMALL concerns the rebellion of a handful of dwarves against the institution in which they are inmates. No average-sized actors appear - just the buildings, furniture and accessories that have been constructed for (and seemingly abandoned by) them. Herzog pulls a double whammy by getting his audience to identify with his performers - indeed, they are shown to express great sensitivity and pain - but doesn't cop out by suggesting that the dwarves will be happy now that they've smashed some windows. A difficult film to watch - and certainly not for the easily-offended.

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