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Jacquot de Nantes

FANHALL ID: if01423
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片名: Jacquot de Nantes
导演: Agnès Varda
编剧: Jacques Demy, Agnès Varda
摄影: Georges Strouvé, Patrick Blossier, Agnès Godard
声音: Jean-Pierre Duret
剪辑: Marie-Josée Audiard
主演: Philippe Maron, Edouard Joubeaud, Laurent Monnier
音乐: Joanna Bruzdowicz
片长: 118分钟
国别: 法国
语言: 法语
制作机构: Canal+

影片概述 . . . . . .

It will probably help if you did a little reading up on what the movie was about before you watched it. For a person who likes to start a movie cold, the film confused me in the beginning. Then in due course of time I understood the rhythm but was still confused with the alteration of colour and B&W shots of essentially the same scene.

So the movie gets off to a bad start by assuming that audience members are already in the know. It was interesting to see how various aspects of Demy's film making were influenced by his childhood experiences. However as in the case of most artists and intellectuals, this is to be expected.
影讲述的是导演 Agnès Varda,一位70多岁的矮个子女人,对其丈夫、法国著名导演雅克德米的一次生平记录。
  导演还在片中穿插了老年雅克干枯衰老的局部特写,随着镜头无声的移动,那些粗糙的皮肤细节,那些灰白的头发,那历尽沧桑灰色的眼睛,这些算不上美感的细节描述的同时,透出了Agnes varda对丈夫的爱,伟大而平凡。

Other than providing an insight, the interspersing of Demy's movie clips in between also provided a sense of familiarity and comedy.

Having been made by the wife of the main protagonist, the film felt fairly self-indulgent. It was like Shahjehan constructing the Taj Mahal - a beautiful construction for personal satisfaction for the others to see and admire.

The story is fairly simple, straight forward and predictable but its execution is charming. I for one came off this film highly inspired and more determined to follow my dreams.

4 stars for the optimism, feelgoodness and acting.

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