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FANHALL ID: if04479
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片名: 安魂曲
其它片名: 安魂曲/Requiem
导演: 孙逊
编剧: 孙逊
音乐: 金闪
片长: 7'21''分钟
年份: 2007年3月年
类型: 动画电影
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .

I have been infatuation for the kind of imaginary history narrative, rather than an interest in how it became history actually. I simply want to know what is the real invented ,
And, what is truer to the PAST as I imagine, I can’t recall any difference it made to me. But again and again just get addicted. What drives me so infatuated with it? A lingering history going between truth and stories, that is like a repeating requiem played for all shared memories

我一直迷恋虚构的历史,更感兴趣于它是如何成为历史的 。我仅仅想知道什么是真实的创造,什么是真实的过去,还是我们想象中的,我已经记不得有什么差别。一次又一次的 沉溺其中,什么使我对它如此的 痴迷?在真实与虚假中挥之不去的历史,就象在记忆中不断重复的安魂曲。

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