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FANHALL ID: if04478
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片名: 休克时光
其它片名: 休克时光/Shock of time
导演: 孙逊
编剧: 孙逊
制片人: 佟飙
美术: 孙逊
音乐: 金闪
片长: 5'29''分钟
年份: 2006年6月年
类型: 动画电影
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .

The memory is empty, when man gets into a state of shock. The shock of time can also called the shock of history. The most important element of this work is some old paper from 50's and 60's. The papers recorded some important information of China. To me, it has become history which I can never get close to. For this reason, I can only use my work turned this history into a doubtful legend. Our conception of history is fragmentary. The conception of history more like a placebo for ourself. our conception of history has been twisted passively or voluntarily. There are lies, secrets or maybe farces behind all these things. Maybe it is just the real history. History is how we think but not what it is. Even we have archeology and museum, we still sorrow when we face the real history

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