片名: | 迷墙 |
其它片名: | /Lost Wall |
导演: | 潘志琪 |
摄影: | 潘志琪 |
剪辑: | 潘志琪 |
片长: | 85分钟 |
年份: | 2010年 |
类型: | 纪录片 |
国别: | |
语言: | 普通话 |
格式: | DV |
制作机构: | 潘志琪纪录片工作室 |
影片概述 . . . . . .
小张,从小双目失明,父母离异。他和女友在朋友余头的推拿店工作,女友和余头间的暧昧关系,总令张心神忧虑。 猜测、迷惑、恐惧象一堵无形的墙,令张无能摆脱。纪录片《迷墙》展现了小张从扑朔迷离的情感世界中逐渐解脱的心灵历程。
Xiao Zhang(Zhang Jianqiang),was blind from childhood and was brought up by a single parent. He worked in his friend Yutou’s massage shop with his girl friend. He was tortured by the dubious relationship between his girlfriend and Yutou. He was trapped by the wall of conjecture, puzzle and fear. The documentary shows Xiao Zhang’s mental experience of setting himself free from the puzzled feelings.
Xiao Zhang(Zhang Jianqiang),was blind from childhood and was brought up by a single parent. He worked in his friend Yutou’s massage shop with his girl friend. He was tortured by the dubious relationship between his girlfriend and Yutou. He was trapped by the wall of conjecture, puzzle and fear. The documentary shows Xiao Zhang’s mental experience of setting himself free from the puzzled feelings.
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