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FANHALL ID: if03568
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片名: 喉舌
其它片名: /Muothpiece
导演: 郭熙志
摄影: 郭熙志
剪辑: 郭熙志
片长: 197分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .


The documentary unfolds in two parallel spaces: one, the Shenzhen TV news programme ‘First Spot’. In the news organization, the “mouthpiece” members live their work routines—they hold meetings, send articles, worry about viewing rates and market shares… the other, the city of Shenzhen. Outside the news organ, “the mouthpiece” folks walk out to the streets, and the city displays itself in all kinds of forms—all sorts of people deliver their misfortunes to the camera. Finally, following loud blasts, the houses of immigrants in Chengzhong are blown up, a colleague dies of cancer, and the “mouthpiece” folks doze off in their offices during their lunch break…

导演阐述 . . . . . .

Back in 1997, Cheng Meng and Lin Xu organized in Beijing an International Documentary Conference, where I saw for the first time Fredrick Wiseman and his documentaries, as well as those of Ogawa Shinsuke. From that time on my head became filled with the concepts of “society” and “history”, and decided to bid farewell to the formalist vanguard art, using the tool of documentaries to stab at the heart of “society”. Consequently I made the film ‘Crossing’ in 1990, and ‘Moving a Town’ in 1999, films which I don’t admit are “within the system”, in the same way as I don’t admit that any documentary can be “outside the system”. A bright as well as chaotic world… nobody should wash themselves too clean; I’d rather like the “dirt” on me. 

As for company bankruptcy and demolishing, I hadn't touched the subject matter before ‘Crossing’ and ‘Moving a Town’, and after came a turbulent tide. “A reaction is the only way out”, is a phrase which esteems documentary making as a form of craftsmanship. After shooting both these subject matters, I thought of three possible breakthroughs: one to return from “externalism” to “realism”, thus we have ‘Representative’; the second, to turn from “outward” to “inward”, and so we have ‘Back to the Original Place’; the third, to maintain the “permanence” and “complexity” of “realism”, and to in ten or twenty years time make a hardcore film.

This middle aged generation of ours that lived through the literature and art wave of the eighties, all like to sing a song called “the new is always beautiful”. In fact, looking back in today’s totally “new” world at our lofty-spirited vanguard literature, we should vigilantly reform the motions of the documentary circles. Until the date, no Chinese has surpassed Fredrik Wiseman when making a documentary of an organization, nor French documentary craftsmanship, such as Raymon Depardon’s and Nicolas Philibert’s. One shouldn’t take into account the number of awards obtained; there’s a long way to go yet! I myself am an apprentice, and I’d be even willing to become a servile dog for Wiseman or Philibert. At least I should be allowed to have a go!

When filming an organization in China, I wouldn’t choose for example a secondary school, or a hospital. I feel that Chinese news organisms are most interesting; they are organisms within an organism. Differently from Wiseman, I find myself belonging to this same organism. And also differing from Wiseman’s film ‘Near Death’, I myself am one of these “sick people”… carrying a lens within the multitude, I will shout: “Tell your boss to come and see me!” When people say that TV stations are a pain in the ass, I reply that “there is shamelessness but also impotency”; if you watch the programme “Trivialities” with all the bitching and hugging, all the tormenting each other and fondling, I ask myself if there’s anywhere where it’s not like this. And so this documentary came into being. Three hours and seventeen minutes, enough time for anyone to get drunk and make love; shameless really.

One thing I should add is that I don’t object to reform “in its search for the possibilities of documentary art”. I imagine myself as an ancient Taoist trying to concoct pills of immortality… really, I’m not lying. I really am blasting out shooting my own ass, wanting to make a film called ‘Removed from of the Body’. What I think, is that his documentary suits both refined and popular tastes. Thank you!

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