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片名: 等待戈多
其它片名: /Waiting For Godot
导演: 王婷婷
编剧: 王婷婷
制片人: 王婷婷
摄影: 孙宇龙, 张冰
美术: 姚婷
声音: 周嘉妮
剪辑: 盛夏, 罗子峰, 刘茜懿
主演: 严保成, 张怒涛
音乐: 夏田龙路
片长: 6'59"分钟
年份: 2008_年
类型: 实验
国别: 中国
格式: HDV

影片概述 . . . . . .



Among the sea of people, no matter where we are, or what we do, our entire life is bound to find the “him”. The “him” may be our lovers, our hope, power, money, or any other thing that we desire. The symbolization, uncertainty and vague sex of “him”, and humanity are the reflection of my thinking towards comtemperary events. In my opinion, these are all queer, so I try to find the reality of humanity among absurd and tease, and taste our philosophy through interest.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

3.镜头从空间、颜色的变化表现出从无到有,从黑白到色彩的变化. 对话中的趣味都做了一些尝试。
Director’s Statement:
The skeleton of Waiting For Godot
The human relationship ,the consideration of contemperary events, and the consideration of contemperary scenes.
In the film, there are too bare males with vague sex and complicated realtionship, who I consider as the main style of contemperary relationship. These symbols are all contemperary features. Besides, thses can excite people’s eyes and feeling, trying to show the problem of contemperary people.
2. Our feeling towards future out of the present living condistion, and possibilities and the opposite of props, setup and human relationship.

The old can shows the tie of space, the petty shabby living areas. The dark background shows the uncertainty of future and the desire to discover it.
The old can also shows the waste, symbolizing the identity of two heroes, in accordance with with th e modern absurdism in this film. The carrot, can, people, plastic people are the discovery of people’s living condition and all possibilities.

3. The scenes changes from nonexistence to pass into existence, from balck and white to colour. I also made effort in the interest of dialogue.

4. The unreal space in real society and the spirite myths.
I consider the existence in unreality and the ambiguousness of humanity as absurd. I try to find the real humanity during absurd and tease, and taste our philosophy through interest.

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