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Rah Hal-e Yek

FANHALL ID: if01719
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片名: Rah Hal-e Yek
其它片名: 一个问题两种解决办法
导演: Abbas Kiarostami
编剧: Abbas Kiarostami
剪辑: Abbas Kiarostami
片长: 11分钟
年份: 1978年
类型: 短片
国别: 伊朗
语言: 波斯语

影片概述 . . . . . .

All that happens in the 11 minutes of this film is that a man, unable to hitch a ride back to his broken-down car with a new tire, pushes it back to his car while running. However, style quickly supercedes content; the man runs to stirring, mock-Western music alongside stunning scenery, giving Kiarostami the chance to show off various shots that must have been hell to pull off. Good fun一个年轻男子的汽车轮胎坏了,为了去车行修理,他将车轮卸下来,像推铁环那样把车轮滚到修车行。路上,他穿过了大雪覆盖的漂亮风景,越来越为这次闲逛似的旅行感到高兴,最后终于回到自己的汽车旁

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