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Behdasht-e Dandan

FANHALL ID: if01717
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片名: Behdasht-e Dandan
其它片名: 口腔清洁
导演: Abbas Kiarostami
编剧: Abbas Kiarostami
剪辑: Abbas Kiarostami
片长: 分钟
国别: 伊朗
语言: 波斯语

影片概述 . . . . . .

This is one of a few Kiarostami instructional films with a subversive sense of humor; it is, however, too little to really qualify as a goofy short classic like, say, "Colours." It starts off promisingly, with the narrator making an ominous statement: "Mohammed is a good boy. He does all of his homework. He does everything his parents ask. But there is one thing Mohammed does not do well: HE IS LAZY ABOUT BRUSHING HIS TEETH!" It is a neat reminder that mental hygiene was not unique to the U.S. However, the movie gets bogged down in a dentist's long explanation about how tooth decay occurs. Overall, we get too little out of this 25-minute dental epic

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