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FANHALL ID: if01693
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片名: Tickets
其它片名: 航向幸福的旅程
导演: Abbas Kiarostami, Ken Loach, Ermanno Olmi
编剧: Abbas Kiarostami, Ermanno Olmi, Paul Laverty
制片人: Paul Trijbits, Domenico Procacci, Gianluca Chiaretti, Carlo Cresto-Dina, bak Karimi, Rebecca O'Brien
摄影: Mahmoud Kalari, Chris Menges, Fabio Olmi
美术: Alessandro Vannucci
声音: Ray Beckett
剪辑: Babak Karimi, Jonathan Morris, Giovanni Ziberna
主演: Carlo Delle Piane, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Silvana De Santis, Filippo Trojano, Martin Compston
音乐: George Fenton
片长: 109分钟
年份: 2005年
类型: 剧情
国别: 意大利 英国
语言: 意大利语 英语 德语 阿尔巴尼亚语
制作机构: Fandango

影片概述 . . . . . .

When I first started watching this movie I was looking for some kind of subtle metaphors but it soon dawned on me that this movie was indeed about people on a train. The interactions between people are like those you can see any day on the street and when in occasion there is a slightly more interesting situation the dialogue becomes stilted and boring. Its not that I don't get how this film is trying to portray the way people interact, it's just that in this film they are very boring. If you want to see and analyse these kinds of relationships you'd be best to actually go out and buy a train ticket and look at the people on the train with you. It is realistic but you wouldn't go to a movie to watch a film about you sitting there watching the movie.

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本片是由三位不同国家的导演——阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米(Abbas Kiarostami)、埃曼诺·奥尔米 (Ermanno Olmi)、Ken Loach执导的三段式电影。
——2009-05-07 16:25:20,4444上传

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