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FANHALL ID: if01628
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片名: 借我一生
其它片名: 借我一生/SETTLED
导演: 单佐龙
制片人: 孙力平
声音: 陈国杰
剪辑: 单佐龙, 姚颖晶
片长: 29' 53''分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国
语言: 上海方言/湖州方言
制作机构: 浙江工业大学人文学院

影片概述 . . . . . .

  Zheng Jingkang is 83 years old and single with no child. This film has two parts, one that records the narration of his first half life full of quirky twists and the other that describes his lonely life in QingEn residential care home.
  Zheng Jingkang was born in a millionaire family and often patronized the horse gambling racing and dancing clubs. So he lived a comfortable life when he was young. But since 1950s, successive political movements and unwarranted charge turned him into a counter-revolutionist and he was put into the prison twice for several decades. In his old age, he lived in a residential care home in Shuangling Town. Being bad-tempered, he insists on living alone in the reposing room. He tells of his past entertainments and prison life at leisure while sitting on the bed.
  At the ending,he tells us that he has asked one friend of his to take care of his funeral affairs.
  He sings The Rive All Red loudly, with the haunting line that gives him a lifelong regret, Do not let it slip away; When a young man’s head turns grey, Regret will be too late.

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入围16届德国马尔堡OPEN EYES国际电影节;

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评注: 作为正太的导演实在是萌啊!
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