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FANHALL ID: if06061
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片名: 借我一生II
其它片名: 借我一生II/HARD OLD ROCK
导演: 单佐龙
制片人: 韩蕾
摄影: 单佐龙
声音: 陈国杰
剪辑: 单佐龙
片长: 62分钟
年份: 2010年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中华人民共和国
语言: 上海/湖州方言
制作机构: 上海文广新闻传媒集团纪实频道

影片概述 . . . . . .


A hard old rock, a hard old man.
He, unyielding to people, society, history, system, fate, surroundings and even himself.
Threatened by history and reality, in each tough situation, he took every brave acts.
This is an intimate and respectful documentary which portrayed a striking 83-year-old fellow-countryman.As a young man, Zheng was a bon vivant who’d rather spend his time gambling and dancing than studying.That exuberant way of life comes to an end when he is charged with counterrevolutionary behaviour and sentenced to prison.Now, he lived in the beadhouse of Shuanglin Town for his lonely life of the last old age.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


获得奖项 . . . . . .

• 第15届上海电视节MIDA导演计划优胜提案奖
• 第17届北京大学生电影节短片竞赛单元,专业纪录片评委会特别奖
• 入围第48届维也纳国际电影节主单元
• 入围第11届意大利罗马亚洲电影节,中国记忆单元
• 入围第11届伊朗MOQAVEMAT国际电影节,国际纪录片竞赛单元
• 入围台湾华语电影论坛,新竹影像博物馆与台湾文学馆公开展映两场
• 入围2010广州国际纪录片大会最具国际销售力纪录片制作方案
• 入选第4届重庆民间映画交流展“外展”
• 首届西安民间国际影像节优秀作品奖
• 2010海上影展,神奇现实:纪录片单元
• 2010罗中立艺术奖学金

- The Excellent Film Plan Award of the MIDA Filmmaker Plan, the 15th Shanghai TV Festival, China.
- Jury Prize, the 17th Beijing College Student Film Festival.
- 48th VIENNALE - Vienna International Film Festival, Main Program.
- 11th Moqavemat International Film Festival, International Competition of Documentary Films, Iran.
- XIth edition of ASIATICAFILMMEDIALE Film Festival.
- 3rd edition of Chinese Film Forum in Taiwan.
- selected for the “Projects with Most Marketing Potential” (Best Projects) of 2010 Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival.
- 4th Chongqing Independent Film & Video Festival, the Lost Pearl section.
- The Excellent Award, 1st Xi’an China International Civil Imaging Competition.
- 2010 Shanghai Youth Film Festival, Magical Reality: Documentary Screening.
- 2010 LUO Zhongli Art Scholarship.

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——2010-12-03 19:14:39,TJDOC上传

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anneandlin影碟 看过
评分: 8分 年月:2010.03

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