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CASINO JACK and the United States of money

FANHALL ID: if03656
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片名: CASINO JACK and the United States of money
其它片名: 金钱美利坚
导演: Alex Gibney
制片人: Bill Banowsky, Zena Barakat
摄影: Maryse Alberti
声音: Travis Call
剪辑: Alison Ellwood  
主演: Jack Abramoff, William Branner, Tom DeLay
音乐: David Robbins
片长: 120分钟
年份: 2010年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 美国
语言: 英语
制作机构: Jigsaw Productions

影片概述 . . . . . .

This portrait of Washington super lobbyist Jack Abramoff—from his early years as a gung-ho member of the GOP political machine to his final reckoning as a disgraced, imprisoned pariah—confirms the adage that truth is indeed stranger than fiction. A tale of international intrigue with Indian casinos, Russian spies, Chinese sweatshops, and a mob-style killing in Miami, this is the story of the way money corrupts our political process.
  Oscar-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney returns to Sundance, once again wielding the tools of his trade with the skill of a master. Following the ongoing indictments of federal officials and exposing favor trading in our nation's capital, Gibney illuminates the way our politicians' desperate need to get elected—and the millions of dollars it costs—may be undermining the basic principles of American democracy. Infuriating, yet undeniably fun to watch, CASINO JACK is a saga of greed and corruption with a cynical villain audiences will love to hate.  

本片纪录了超级说客Jack Abramoff的戏剧化政治生涯,这位知名游说家过去是带头向前冲的共和党人,最后却因为丑闻入狱。

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