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Letters from China

FANHALL ID: if01448
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片名: Letters from China
导演: Joris Ivens
编剧: Joris Ivens
片长: 45分钟
年份: 1958年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .

I could see this short-film in the International Festival in my city, in a double-program with Johnny Guitar, directed by Nicholas Ray. It tries to show us (Occidental citizens) about the way of life in the East, in China, during the months before spring. It's nice to know how different we are, how is considered spring as a birth of life. We can see performances, works, houses, landscapes... that can make us think about cultural differences between two worlds in the same world... But, honestly, I was so nervous waiting for Johnny Guitar that I didn't notice this film very much.

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