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FANHALL ID: if01307
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片名: Amarcord
其它片名: 阿玛柯德
导演: Federico Fellini
编剧: Federico Fellini, Tonino Guerra
制片人: Franco Cristaldi
摄影: Giuseppe Rotunno
声音: Oscar De Arcangelis
剪辑: Ruggero Mastroianni
主演: Pupella Maggio, Armando Brancia, Magali Noël
音乐: Nino Rota
片长: 123分钟
年份: 1976年
类型: 剧情
国别: 意大利
语言: 意大利语
制作机构: F.C. Produzioni

影片概述 . . . . . .

Amarcord" was the first Fellini film I saw, about two years ago. It was on TV at 4 o'clock a.m. and I was very sleepy, but I watched it till the end. I wasn't disappointed at all, and I do want to watch it again.

It's not hard to say why this is considered one of Federico Fellini's masterpieces. "Amarcord" (which means "I remember" in the Italian dialect of Emilia-Romagna, the region in which Fellini was born and where the film is set) is one of the most dazzling, personal films you'll ever see. Though Fellini denied that the film is autobiographical (but agreed that has similarities with his own childhood), he made some of the most magic scenes in film history. Nino Rota's unforgettable music score is perfect to highlight the story of a teenage boy's daydreaming (and many other people) in the fascist 1930s Italy. There's a sentence written by the Brazilian author Machado de Assis in one of his novels that is suitable for this magnificent film: "O menino é o pai do homem" ("The Boy is The Man's Father").

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