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Casanova di Federico Fellini, Il

FANHALL ID: if01305
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片名: Casanova di Federico Fellini, Il
其它片名: /Fellini's Casanova
导演: Federico Fellini
编剧: Federico Fellini, Bernardino Zapponi
制片人: Alberto Grimaldi
摄影: Giuseppe Rotunno
声音: Oscar De Arcangelis
剪辑: Ruggero Mastroianni
主演: Donald Sutherland, Cicely Browne, Tina Aumont
音乐: Nino Rota
片长: 155分钟
国别: 意大利
语言: 意大利语
制作机构: Produzioni Europee Associati (PEA)

影片概述 . . . . . .

Federico Fellini's Casanova is quite an extraordinary film.I watched it just yesterday,late at night,and I felt charmed.Yes,it looks weird and you hardly understand what it's exactly about,but that's not the point.This film appears to be something like a dream.It's like a string of images which you cannot link using your reason.The atmosphere is magical.You can sense the corruption,the craziness in all those wild parties,the desire for pleasures that hides inside the socially repressed people of that time.Even the music by Nino Rota is weird,but it's hauntingly beautiful and it makes the whole film look like a real dream.The sounds have the power to hypnotize you.That's evident from the start.

Clearly,a piece of art.The vision of Casanova in the director's mind.A man obsessed with the female.A man in love with women in general.A man who always looks for the perfect woman.He falls in love too easily,but love always flies from out his arms,leading him to self-destruction.Until he ends up with a doll.The perfect woman.Flawless beauty.Plus,he won't be deserted.You get the sense that he's crazy,that the whole film is crazy,actually.But then you think that it's a dream and you're acting in it,too.Hypnotization...A faraway land,a faraway world.

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