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E la nave va

FANHALL ID: if01302
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片名: E la nave va
其它片名: 大海航行/And the Ship Sails On
导演: Federico Fellini
编剧: Federico Fellini, Tonino Guerra
制片人: Franco Cristaldi, Aldo Nemni, Renzo Rossellini
摄影: Giuseppe Rotunno
声音: Fabio Ancillai
剪辑: Ruggero Mastroianni
主演: Freddie Jones, Barbara Jefford, Victor Poletti
音乐: Gianfranco Plenizio
片长: 132分钟
年份: 1983年
类型: 剧情
国别: 意大利
语言: 意大利语
制作机构: Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI)

影片概述 . . . . . .

E la nave va" is one of the best films made by Fellini, which I see as the best film director ever. Just two personal comments about it. First, I have seen it in 1985, when in Romania a dark dictatorship saved hard currency by preventing foreign films to be imported. It was presented during a festival arranged by the Italian Embassy. Combine the local cultural desert and the post-modern style of this film and you'll understand why, after the film ended, I wanted to have just a walk-on part on it. My wife just proposed to pay the projectionist to run it again. The second comment is about a strange premonition Fellini had about the conflict in Serbia/Yougoslavia. Each time I see "E la nave va", I'm deeply moved about the ending, masterly contrasting bold opera music and the vanishing of a certain Europe.

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