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Bidone, Il

FANHALL ID: if01316
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片名: Bidone, Il
导演: Federico Fellini
编剧: Federico Fellini, Tullio Pinelli, Ennio Flaiano
制片人: Mario Derecchi
摄影: Otello Martelli
剪辑: Mario Serandrei, Giuseppe Vari
主演: Giulietta Masina, Broderick Crawford, Richard Basehart
音乐: Nino Rota
片长: 112分钟
年份: 1955年
类型: 剧情
国别: 意大利/法国
语言: 意大利语/英语
制作机构: Titanus

影片概述 . . . . . .

What a sad film. Broderick Crawford heads a small band of con men but is getting too old and pathetic for the game. He is brilliant in the role and we barely sympathise with him once as he gradually fades away. The men are wretched to their women. There is a woman in the front car seat who gets thrust into the windscreen to accommodate a hoodlum getting or out behind her and another forced to strip by a bunch of guys at a party. The only moments where any sort of humanity show through is when Crawford decked out as a priest gets told the wonder of life by a young crippled girl he is about to ruin. I guess things must have been bad in Italy after the war and actions such as squeezing life savings out of peasants seemed fair game but it is wretched to watch grown men stoop so low. Great film making though and Fellini is so assured a prison sentence is dealt with by use of a fade. Hardly a feel good movie but well worth seeing

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