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片名: 毡匠老马一家
其它片名: /Lao Ma and His Family
导演: 查晓原
摄影: 查晓原
剪辑: 查晓原
片长: 163分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .


The Xiji, Haiyuan and Guyuan county in Ningxia province is always famous for its title ‘champion of barren’. Lao Ma and his family live in a mountain village in Haiyuan.

The Lao Ma’s family, in total 7-8 members, work desperately on the dry-barren soil while the poorness follows them as a shadow.The lack of money forces he to go into debts in all kinds of situations, such as transporting water, seeing doctor and so on. The usury he owns for the marriage of his son drives him almost crazy: ‘I can just kill myself’. Lao Ma and his sons go out to work on the construction sites, go into the mountains to pick up black-moss and go to the mine to collect leftover coal.

However, as Muslims, their faith in Islam is very devout. At the moment, Lao Ma’s daughter-in-law is going to give birth. However, the fetus is not at the right position. Since it is impossible to afford a treatment in hospital, they are praying for peace and hoping the fetus will turn to the right position by itself…

导演阐述 . . . . . .

我知道他们都来自以“贫瘠甲天下”闻名的西海固。但他们从哪里来,要到哪里去,平日他们怎么生活,他们怎样看别人,他们怎样看自己… 这些问题时而清晰时而模糊,挥之不去。

Several years ago, the image of Xi Hai Gu people who grasp the hair moss often appeared to me. On a tractor, lengthened and widened by wooden sticks, thirty to forty people are sitting or lying down, they are covered by quilts with the color of soil; their pans, which are blackened by smoke, are tied on the wooden sticks. They are the very ones that grasp the hair moss.
I knew these people are from an area called Xi Hai Gu, which is famous for its barrens.  But from which place are they exactly coming and to where are they precisely going, what are their daily lives look like, how do they look at themselves and other people…? These questions were sticking to my mind, sometimes clear sometimes vague, I could not remove them.
Couldn't repress my desires any longer, I went to their hometown and became a primary school teacher. During my teaching year, I got familiar with a lot of local people including Lao Ma. I have known a lot more about them but the unknowns are still too much. Nowadays, when I think about these people, my heart is still vacant but turns more disconsolate.

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