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FANHALL ID: im04556
姓名: 查晓原
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

1978 -1982 北京邮电大学上学 1982-1992 宁夏电信 工程师
1992-2004 个人从事公司经营2004-2005 自费到宁夏海原县九道村教小学开始拍纪录片。
2004至今 拍摄和编辑在海原县的照片和纪录片。

1957.11.30   Born in Sichuan Province
1978.2-82.2 Educated in ‘Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications’
1982.2-92.3 An engineer in the Bureau of posts and telecom., Ningxia
1992.3-2004.8 Registered a private company, the businesses are telecommunication equipment service and project construction
2004.8-2005.7 Voluntarily teaching in primary school in Jiudao village, Haiyuan county, Ningxia; making documentary film
2005.8-now Photo-shooting and film-recording in Haiyuan, Ningxia
2008.5 Finish editing the 1st documentary Lao Ma and His Family
2008.8 Finish editing the 2st documentary Maut (Pass away)

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老查呀!!! [展开/收起]
长命百岁   2008-12-09 23:20:01   3回应

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