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FANHALL ID: if03584
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片名: 未完成的生活史
其它片名: /The Unfinished History of Life
导演: 丛峰
制片人: 丛峰
摄影: 丛峰
声音: 丛峰
剪辑: 丛峰
片长: 490分钟
年份: 2010年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国
语言: Chinese Dialects
格式: DVCAM  PAL 4:3

影片概述 . . . . . .


This is the 3rd documentary film in my series of films, Italy, Gansu Province,which was shot in Huangyangchuan Township, mainly documented the lives of my local friends and acquaintances there. Most of them are local high school teachers, or ex-teachers later transfered their jobs to the county. In all, not like local farmers, they have steady jobs and steady incomes.
We got to be friends in 2000. My shooting lasted from Jul. 2005 to Oct. 2008, this film is constructed in four parts, each part correspond an certain period of time, with a different circumstance and personal condition.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


Among all the films I made there, this film has the most close personal connection with me. It was just because of the existence of these friends there, that let me first make up of my mind to make documentaries there. After making this film, I became more of a heavy drinker. How many lives are there in this film? What could be called as the history of life? Maybe there's a kind of vegetative spreading, a provincial dream.

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水怪内部交流 看过
评分: 10分 年月:2011.01
评注: 从乡村史诗图景到县镇史诗图景!从大夫气到流民气。县镇知识分子无奈的酒桌文化及基层迁徙体系的细致入微观察,亦宏大至极地描摹出当代县镇生活各象限图景。
鬼叔中中国纪录片交流周 看过
评分: 未评分 年月:2010.05

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