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La notte

FANHALL ID: if01854
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片名: La notte
其它片名: 夜/The Night
导演: Michelangelo Antonioni
编剧: Michelangelo Antonioni, Tonino Guerra, Ennio Flaiano
制片人: Emanuele Cassuto
摄影: Gianni Di Venanzo
美术: Mauro Bertinotti
声音: Claudio Maielli
剪辑: Eraldo Da Roma
主演: Marcello Mastroianni, Jeanne Moreau, Bernhard Wicki, Monica Vitti, Rosy Mazzacurati, Maria Pia Luzi
音乐: Giorgio Gaslini
片长: 122分钟
年份: 1961年
类型: 剧情
国别: 意大利 法国
语言: 意大利语
制作机构: Nepi Film

影片概述 . . . . . .

Its better to wander into this film without knowing too much. The performances are all outstanding but the main credit must be handed to the artist behind it all Michelangelo Antonioni. It would have been quite beautiful to have seen this film when it came out, but even after all these years the themes still resonate as true.

I don't want to get into the plot too much, but this film is more about feeling. The friction and differences between husband and wife are explored.

Antonioni doesn't force anything, he allows a scene to play out in proper time. This film is full of symbolism and despair. 中年作家乔瓦尼与妻子在一夜间面临着人生的重大转变,他们从去医院看望临终好友开始,辗转于病房内的偷情、参加新书发布会、漫无目的街头游走、目睹阿飞打架等场景,最后他们一起参加了朋友举办的豪宅宴会,乔瓦尼与朋友的女儿还产生了恋情。最后在新的一天来临之时,两人漫步在草原上,妻子突然对正在反省自我感情的乔瓦尼说已不再爱他。


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