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FANHALL ID: if01808
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片名: 皮村
其它片名: 皮村/Pi Cun village
导演: 王德志
制片人: 王德志
摄影: 王德志
声音: 王德志
剪辑: 王德志
音乐: 打工青年艺术团
片长: 52分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 纪录
国别: 中国
制作机构: 工友之家

影片概述 . . . . . .


This documentary film is presented mainly in the form of interviews. It illustrates the effects of globalization on various migrant workers, by showing how the workers are being used by globalization.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


Before I had an idea to shoot this documentary film, I did not really know what documentary films were about. This is a result of an urge to showcase the quick changes that are being implemented in this small village where my organization is based.

I have been working for a NGO called Migrant Workers' Home for many years. Our main mandate is to promote cultural development of migrant workers. I live together with and work for migrant workers everyday. In Pi Cun Village, the migrant workers come from different places across China, and they are doing all kinds of jobs in Pi Cun Village and in nearby places. Migrant workers are only given opportunities to work and live in cities as temporary residents, but they are trying their best to obtain a richer and more secure life.

Pi Cun has changed dramatically with the increasing number of migrant workers, which has also changed the life of local residents.

The change in Pi Cun Village can largely reflect what is happening in the process of China's industrialization and urbanization, however, it is not easy to visually record all of the changes.
I did not get a clear thread of thought until I started conducting some interviews and reflecting on what I have heard and learned. This is my first production as a cameraman, editor and a producer. This film is truly a product through learning by doing. It used up all my spare time for over a month to edit the film. Well, I give myself a "pass" if this is an exam.

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