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FANHALL ID: if01538
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片名: Солярис
其它片名: 索拉里斯/Solaris
导演: Andrei Tarkovsky
编剧: Andrei Tarkovsky, Stanislaw Lem, Fridrikh Gorenshtein
制片人: Viacheslav Tarasov
摄影: Vadim Yusov
剪辑: Lyudmila Feiginova, Nina Marcus
主演: Natalya Bondarchuk, Donatas Banionis, Jüri Järvet
音乐: Eduard Artemyev
片长: 165分钟
国别: 苏联
语言: 俄语/德语
制作机构: Creative Unit of Writers & Cinema Workers

影片概述 . . . . . .

Two truths drive this film: the inadequacy of human-kind to understand the Universe, and the inadequacy of human-kind to understand the human heart.

As such, using Lem's original idea, Tarkovsky successfully, explores these themes.

We are drawn in, through hauntingly beautiful imagery, to the internal struggles of Kris Kelvin as he attempts to understand feelings of love for his suicided wife, who has been mysteriously resurrected, presumably as an attempt by Solaris to communicate, or torture.

Of course Solaris is probably the most original alien ever concocted, (no phone-homes here) and as must be, utterly enigmatic and beyond communication.

Be warned, this film is very long, and sometimes slow, but for those who consider themselves science fiction addicts, it is a must view.

One of the top 5 sci-fi films of all time






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