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Tempo di viaggio

FANHALL ID: if01544
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片名: Tempo di viaggio
其它片名: 雕刻时光/Voyage in Time
导演: Tonino Guerra, Andrei Tarkovsky
编剧: Tonino Guerra, Andrei Tarkovsky
摄影: Luciano Tovoli
主演: Tonino Guerra, Andrei Tarkovsky
片长: 62分钟
年份: 1983年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 意大利 
语言: 意大利语 / 俄语 
制作机构: Facets Video

影片概述 . . . . . .

I don't know whether I expected something more challenging...The landscapes are quite interesting, though the final cut of Nostalghia is considerably more beautiful. I found Tarkovsky's commentaries on the work of other directors quite interesting, though most of what he said was already obvious from his films. I couldn't understand Guera's poetry lesson, maybe it has a meaning, most probably is just an exercise in vanity.

Overall the movie is rewarding in several respects, any Tarkovsky fan should see it for the master and his eye in picking some of the most beautiful landscapes to film in.


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