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FANHALL ID: if00534
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片名: 廁紙
其它片名: 厕纸/Toilet Paper
导演: 韋亦斌
片长: 10分钟
年份: 2006年
类型: 短片
国别: 中国香港
语言: 广东话

影片概述 . . . . . .


Synopsis of Toilet Paper
Toilet paper is easily accessible and easily wasted. For something so insignificant, it can be a lifeline to decency. Our story begins with a man trapped without toilet paper. The odd thing is the entire city is out. Just then inexplicably the sky rains toilet paper… Well, life is unpredictable….

导演阐述 . . . . . .

获得奖项 . . . . . .

*The short film won the selected award at the 29th ‘Tokyo Video Festival’
*Official selection of ‘Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival’ 2006 ( Taiwan)
* Finalist of the 12th ‘Hong Kong Independent Short Film and Video Awards’
*Finalist of ‘Fresh Wave Short Film Competition’ 2005-2006 (Jointly organised by Arts Development Council (ADC) & Hong Kong International Film Festival Society (HKIFFS)

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拥有的时候不珍惜嘛! [展开/收起]
网管   2008-12-23 14:20:38   6回应
呵呵!是不是可以这样去理解。 一句被说得很熟的话,拥有的时候不珍惜,失去了后悔莫急! 有些东西是尴尬的,有些事情暧昧的,有的东西可有可无的,有...

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