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FANHALL ID: if00538
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其它片名: 离/Eclipse
导演: 韋亦斌
片长: 15分钟
年份: 2006年
国别: 中国香港
语言: 粤语

影片概述 . . . . . .

一次意外令婆婆與孫兒陰陽相隔。故事分別由兩個不可能並存的情節平衡發展出另一種敍事手法。It is a story between a Grandmother and Grandson. The seminal idea presents mutually exclusive but parallel running story lines within a convention of linear story telling. It's about coping with lost of a loved one in a “what if” situation, in which how the death of a grandma or her grandson will do to the remaining family. The miss feeling of their beloved is subtly described by the editing and framing of the short film.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

获得奖项 . . . . . .

*【第十二屆香港獨立短片及錄像比賽】評審推薦放映 - 公開組 (香港藝術中心主辦)
*Jury Recommendation of the 12th ‘Hong Kong Independent Short Film and Video Awards’ -Open Category (Organised by Hong Kong Arts Centre)
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评论列表(4) . . . . . . ( 发表新评论 ) ( 更多评论 )

背叛是假象之二——如果-爱 [展开/收起]
4444   2008-12-29 18:26:44   2回应
峰仔 峰仔。。。。。。 阿嬷的呼唤 [展开/收起]
卢志新   2008-12-29 16:17:18   1回应
阿哮咕 阿哮咕。。。。。分明耳边想起童年往事里的奶奶的呼唤,然后看见奶奶被一辆货车撞飞出去,然后,然后,看见峰仔被车撞飞出去,平时的镜头叙事...

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