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廁紙/Toilet Paper / 韋亦斌

廁紙,擁有時不會珍惜,丟失時束手無策。一個圍繞廁紙的故事,男主角如廁後,遇到人生最大的尷尬事-「無廁紙」,用盡一切瘋狂的方法去解決。另一邊廂,當老婆為老公在街上遍尋廁紙,突然遇到難得一見的奇景。天有不測之風雲,人有霎時之禍福…… Synopsis of Toilet Paper Toilet paper is easily accessible and easily wasted. For something so insignificant, it can be a lifeline to decency. Our story begins with a man trapped without toilet paper. The odd thing is the entire city is out. Just then inexplicably the s...

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