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FANHALL ID: im09077
姓名: 山本起也/Yamamoto Tatsuya
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

Yamamoto Tatsuya
Born in 1966, Shizuoka. While still in junior high school, he began to consider a career in the movies under the influence of a cinema-buff uncle. After graduating from Chuo University in Tokyo, he joined DENTSU PROX (formerly the Dentsu Film Company; now called Dentsu Tec, Inc.) and was assigned to the planning and producing section for company PR and exhibition screen images. In his first year at the company, he met Junichi SEGAWA (1914-1995), one of Japan’s greatest cameramen, and through his work, became fascinated with the process of making documentaries. This encounter with Segawa played a major role in shaping Yamamoto’s career.
In May 2000, he left the company with the intention of editing the 16 mm film he had shot over the previous six years into a single documentary. At the end of May 2001, after about half of a year’s editing, his debut film Gym was completed. It was aired at Cinema Shimo-kitazawa in Tokyo, in January 2003.
Principal works:
Living with Forest, Memory of Glass (company PR)
Gym (full-length documentary)
Deep Planet (Czech version) (TV program)
DECO-TRA GAIDEN, What’s a FIlm Director (worked as a producer)

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