FANHALL ID: im04500
姓名: | 林泰州 |
性别: | 男 |
生日: | 不详 |
影人概述: . . . . . .
2006年受邀為台灣國際紀錄片雙年展製作紀錄短片《柳川之女》,為該影展開幕片之一,其後獲邀參加德國奧伯豪森與西班牙畢爾包短片影展。2007年完成公共電視紀錄觀點紀錄片《書包裡的秘密》獲邀參加荷蘭阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展、韓國釜山國際影展、國立台灣美術館《食飽未》亞洲藝術雙年展,代表台灣參加2008 INPUT世界公共電視大展,並獲教育部教育影展評審推薦獎以及上海電視節白玉蘭獎亞洲紀錄片金獎。2008年為故宮博物院未來博物館製作動畫短片《反覆》,並擔任國立台灣美術館台灣國際紀錄片雙年展《另眼看台中》總策劃。
林泰州電影網 http://teacher.yuntech.edu.tw/lintj/portfolio/list.htm
《定影相片》Afterimage (1994), 《夢中風景》Landscapes in the Dream (1996), 《潮聲》Waves (1997), 《獻給自己的作品》A Piece of Work for Myself (1999), 《集集大怪獸》Chichi, the Monster (2000), 《一張紙鈔》The Money that Kills (2000), 《狂舞憂鬱》Blue Plague (2001), 《我不說話》I Don't Talk (2002), 《垂死造物哀歌》Bardo (2005), 《柳川之女》The Willow River
(2006), 《書包裡的秘密》The Secret in the Satchel (2007), 《反覆》Sangsara (2008)
LIN Tay-jou was born in 1968, starting out in fine arts and later completed many stylish short films. Shortly after LIN earned a Master Degree in the UK, he returned to Taiwan and began his teaching career at the University in 1997.
LIN's films have not only won numerous national film awards, but also been screened at many international film festivals, including Chichi, the Monster at the 2001 Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival, and Blue Plague at the 2002 Venice Film Festival. Bardo, a feature length experimental, has been invited by more than thirty international film festivals since 2005. In 2007, LIN’s latest work, The Secret in the Satchel, has been invited by the Pusan International Film Festival, International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam, and 2008 INPUT, the International Public Television Conference and won the Asian Documentary Golden Award of the Magnolia Award at the 2008 Shanghai TV Festival.
In 2008, LIN programmed the opening film, DOC Taichung II, for the 6th Taiwan International Documentary Festival and finished two animation shorts for the National Palace Museum.
Director’s Filmography
Afterimage (1994), Landscapes in the Dream (1996), Waves (1997), A Piece of Work for Myself (1999), Chichi, the Monster (2000), The Money that Kills (2000), Blue Plague (2001), I Don't Talk (2002), Bardo (2005), The Willow River (2006), The Secret in the Satchel (2007), Sangsara (2008)
2006年受邀為台灣國際紀錄片雙年展製作紀錄短片《柳川之女》,為該影展開幕片之一,其後獲邀參加德國奧伯豪森與西班牙畢爾包短片影展。2007年完成公共電視紀錄觀點紀錄片《書包裡的秘密》獲邀參加荷蘭阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展、韓國釜山國際影展、國立台灣美術館《食飽未》亞洲藝術雙年展,代表台灣參加2008 INPUT世界公共電視大展,並獲教育部教育影展評審推薦獎以及上海電視節白玉蘭獎亞洲紀錄片金獎。2008年為故宮博物院未來博物館製作動畫短片《反覆》,並擔任國立台灣美術館台灣國際紀錄片雙年展《另眼看台中》總策劃。
林泰州電影網 http://teacher.yuntech.edu.tw/lintj/portfolio/list.htm
《定影相片》Afterimage (1994), 《夢中風景》Landscapes in the Dream (1996), 《潮聲》Waves (1997), 《獻給自己的作品》A Piece of Work for Myself (1999), 《集集大怪獸》Chichi, the Monster (2000), 《一張紙鈔》The Money that Kills (2000), 《狂舞憂鬱》Blue Plague (2001), 《我不說話》I Don't Talk (2002), 《垂死造物哀歌》Bardo (2005), 《柳川之女》The Willow River
(2006), 《書包裡的秘密》The Secret in the Satchel (2007), 《反覆》Sangsara (2008)
LIN Tay-jou was born in 1968, starting out in fine arts and later completed many stylish short films. Shortly after LIN earned a Master Degree in the UK, he returned to Taiwan and began his teaching career at the University in 1997.
LIN's films have not only won numerous national film awards, but also been screened at many international film festivals, including Chichi, the Monster at the 2001 Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival, and Blue Plague at the 2002 Venice Film Festival. Bardo, a feature length experimental, has been invited by more than thirty international film festivals since 2005. In 2007, LIN’s latest work, The Secret in the Satchel, has been invited by the Pusan International Film Festival, International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam, and 2008 INPUT, the International Public Television Conference and won the Asian Documentary Golden Award of the Magnolia Award at the 2008 Shanghai TV Festival.
In 2008, LIN programmed the opening film, DOC Taichung II, for the 6th Taiwan International Documentary Festival and finished two animation shorts for the National Palace Museum.
Director’s Filmography
Afterimage (1994), Landscapes in the Dream (1996), Waves (1997), A Piece of Work for Myself (1999), Chichi, the Monster (2000), The Money that Kills (2000), Blue Plague (2001), I Don't Talk (2002), Bardo (2005), The Willow River (2006), The Secret in the Satchel (2007), Sangsara (2008)
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林泰州编剧的影片 . . . . . .
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林泰州摄影的影片 . . . . . .
林泰州任美术的影片 . . . . . .
林泰州录音的影片 . . . . . .
林泰州剪辑的影片 . . . . . .
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