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FANHALL ID: im04474
姓名: 何颖雅
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

何颖雅 Elaine W. Ho
1999年毕业于Rice University艺术和艺术历史系。随后她在纽约和荷兰工作居住过一段时间。2006年前往京都当国际艺术研究中心做访问艺术家。现就读于欧洲研究院,攻读媒体理论和欧洲大陆哲学硕士学位。

诸多作品主要目的在通过设计语言来探讨功能性与物性究竟是如何与社会关系与日常生活关联互动的。其最新的作品为《家作坊》――她将藏在北京一条老胡同深处的一个原房地产经纪店变成了一个“睡觉-工作-生活”的空间。平日里好饮鸳鸯茶,也是www.iwishicoulddescribeittoyoubetter.org <http://www.iwishicoulddescribeittoyoubetter.org>颇为活跃的合作者与供稿者。

Chinese-American, born 1977 in Florida, USA. Currently living and working in Beijing.
Elaine Wing-Ah Ho is a Beijing-based artist and designer whose work uses the premises and vocabulary of design in order to ask questions about how functionality and objecthood intertwine with social relationships and everyday life. She graduated in 1999 from the Art and Art History department of Rice University, and after living and working in New York City and the Netherlands, she is now concurrently in Beijing and working on her MA in Communications and Media Theory at the European Graduate School. Most recently she has started HomeShop, a store space turned sleeping-working-living studio located in the middle of one of Beijing’s old hutongs. She likes drinking coffee and tea mixed together and is a frequent collaborator at: www.iwishicouldescribeittoyoubetter.org

福帝尼 Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga
建筑设计师,研究者,PROGRAM艺术于建筑合作空间(柏林)共同指导者。最新的纪录片: 《外国人》(2009)和《Royal, Nebraska》(2007),都跟Toby Lee合作,也是www.iwishicoulddescribeittoyoubetter.org <http://www.iwishicoulddescribeittoyoubetter.org>颇为活跃的合作者与供稿者。

Born 1979 in Thessaloniki, Greece. Currently living and working in Berlin.
Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga is an architect, researcher and co-director of PROGRAM - initiative for art and architecture collaborations in Berlin. She is also working in documentary film (The foreigners, currently in pre-production, and Royal, Nebraska [2007]), both in collaboration with Toby Lee) and is a frequent contributor at: www.iwishicoulddescribeittoyoubetter.org



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