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FANHALL ID: if00344
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片名: 公众
其它片名: /Public
导演: 何颖雅
制片人: 何颖雅
摄影: 何颖雅
美术: 何颖雅
声音: 何颖雅
剪辑: 何颖雅
片长: 17分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 记录短片
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .

《公众》是一个取材于一系列的群众在公共场所聚集的短片,录制于2008年秋季北京的一些公共场所。当一个无意识的公众聚集可能被视为对政府的威胁时,我们又能从聚集和集会或是暴乱之间微小的间隙中得到怎样的启迪?如我们所见,通过日常的等车,锻炼,外出聚会等活动,人们把自己置身于平凡的生活小事中,缩短了彼此身体间的距离,模糊了个人空间的界线。近距离的看一看那密集的人群,捕捉展示那些出现在人群之中,散发在空间里的动作,眼神和言语, 新的故事就从这里展开了。

“公众” (“Public”) is a short video of a series of gatherings in public space, recorded in various locations around the city of Beijing during the fall of 2008. When a public gathering may be regarded as a threat to the State, what possibilities for engagement do we have in the interstices between a gathering and a crowd or mob? As we observe people waiting for the bus, exercising, hanging out and becoming spectators to the little happenings of the everyday, the distances between bodies become shorter, and the boundaries of personal space begin to blur. A closer look at the density of "the masses", however, reveals the gestures, glances and words that emerge in the spaces between and around people, and it is here that new narratives begin to unfold.

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