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FANHALL ID: if06157
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片名: 深表遗憾
其它片名: 深表遗憾/So Sorry
导演: 艾未未
制片人: 艾未未
摄影: 趙趙 郭克 張隽 Alison 神秘網友
剪辑: 王分
音乐: 左小祖咒
片长: 54分钟
年份: 2011年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国大陆

影片概述 . . . . . .


    Ai Weiwei’s outspoken activism over the Wenchuan earthquake results in round-the-clock surveillance and ongoing police harassment. While preparing for his exhibition “So Sorry” at the Haus der Kunst in Munich, Ai suffers frequent and intense headaches and is diagnosed with a life-threatening brain hemorrhage, the result of an earlier police beating he received in Chengdu, requiring Ai to undergo emergency surgery.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

   Ai records his ordeal and later returns to confront the Chengdu police. So Sorry documents the fractious relationship individuals have with the police in a society devoid of the rule of law.

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