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Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould

FANHALL ID: if04851
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片名: Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould
其它片名: 古尔德的32个短片
导演: François Girard
编剧: François Girard
制片人: Michael Allder
摄影: Alain Dostie
声音: Stuart French
剪辑: Gaétan Huot 
主演: Colm Feore, Derek Keurvorst
音乐: Glenn Gould
片长: 98分钟
年份: 1993年
类型: 纪录
国别: 加拿大 / 芬兰 / 荷兰 / 葡萄牙
语言: English / French
制作机构: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)

影片概述 . . . . . .

  0. scene selections
  1. Aria [2:49]
  2. Lake Simcoe [4:20]
  3. 45 Seconds and a Chair [:52]
  4. Bruno Monsaingeon [1:54]
  5. Gould Meets Gould [4:38]
  6. Hamburg [4:19]
  7. Variation in C Minor [:39]
  8. Practice [3:35]
  9. The L.A. Concert [4:03]
  10. Cd318 [3:40]
  11. Yehudi Menuhin [2:24]
  12. Passion According to Gould [3:16]
  13. Opus 1 [3:46]
  14. Crossed Paths [6:04]
  15. Truck Stop [3:36]
  16. The Idea of North [3:22]
  17. Solitude [2:51]
  18. Questions With No Answers [4:32]
  19. A Letter [:43]
  20. Gould Meets McLaren [3:15]
  21. The Tip [3:51]
  22. Personal Ad [1:57]
  23. Pills [2:28]
  24. Margaret Pacsu [1:13]
  25. Diary of One Day [2:07]
  26. Motel Wawa [3:51]
  27. Forty-nine [1:29]
  28. Jessie Greig [2:18]
  29. Leaving [2:30]
  30. Voyager [:49]
  31. Aria [2:30]
  32. End Credits [3:08]
  Side #2- FULL SCREEN
  0. scene selections
  1. Aria [2:49]
  2. Lake Simcoe [4:20]
  3. 45 Seconds and a Chair [:52]
  4. Bruno Monsaingeon [1:54]
  5. Gould Meets Gould [4:38]
  6. Hamburg [4:19]
  7. Variation in C Minor [:39]
  8. Practice [3:35]
  9. The L.A. Concert [4:03]
  10. Cd318 [3:40]
  11. Yehudi Menuhin [2:24]
  12. Passion According to Gould [3:16]
  13. Opus 1 [3:46]
  14. Crossed Paths [6:04]
  15. Truck Stop [3:36]
  16. The Idea of North [3:22]
  17. Solitude [2:51]
  18. Questions With No Answers [4:32]
  19. A Letter [:43]
  20. Gould Meets McLaren [3:15]
  21. The Tip [3:51]
  22. Personal Ad [1:57]
  23. Pills [2:28]
  24. Margaret Pacsu [1:13]
  25. Diary of One Day [2:07]
  26. Motel Wawa [3:51]
  27. Forty-nine [1:29]
  28. Jessie Greig [2:18]
  29. Leaving [2:30]
  30. Voyager [:49]
  31. Aria [2:30]
  32. End Credits [3:08]  

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