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FANHALL ID: if02072
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片名: 小树的夏天
其它片名: /Love mime
导演: 朱一叶
编剧: 朱一叶
制片人: 朱一叶
摄影: 吴兵
声音: 刘磊, 张允一
剪辑: 朱一叶
主演: 孔思思, 赵雅青, 吴雅雯, 刘非, 段文豪, 黄亮
音乐: silent g 乐队
片长: 72分钟
年份: 2008年
国别: 中国
语言: 国语

影片概述 . . . . . .

相似的人生经历和对世界上另一个自我的寻找让两个女孩,小树和夏天走到了一起。越来越亲密的感情却让小树无法承受,她的离开导致了夏天的极度失落。夏天开始扮演小树,体验小树的爱情,并努力替她完成。现实与幻觉的交织,仿佛小树从未离开过。 故事以两条线索展开,一个是现实,小树和夏天坐在空旷的操场上;一个是戏里的世界,对于小树和夏天的回忆的扮演。现实的荒谬与戏里的真实形成了巨大的反差,两条线索最终交织在一起,夏天瓦解掉了戏里的世界,独自去面对这个荒诞的世界,而小树一直在一旁观望着,守候着。

Little Tree and Summer become close friends because of the Similar life experience and the Self-searching. But day after day, Little Tree can not bear the intimacy any longer. Her leaving made Summer extremely depressed. Summer begins to act as Little Tree and try to experience and fulfill her love. The reality mingles with illusion, as if Little Tree had never left. The story begins with two clues. One is the reality, in which Little Tree and Summer are sitting in the playground; another is the world of the performance, in which people play the memory of Little Tree and Summer. The absurdity of the reality is so different from the truth in the performance, finally the two clues come together. Summer overthrows the world of the performance and begins to face such an absurd world, but Little Tree is always sitting beside and watching over her.

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