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Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul

FANHALL ID: if03588
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片名: Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul
其它片名: 仙乐飘飘欧亚桥
导演: Fatih Akin
编剧: Fatih Akin
制片人: Fatih Akin
摄影: Hervé Dieu
声音: Johannes Grehl
剪辑: Andrew Bird
主演: Alexander Hacke, Baba Zula, Orient Expressions, Duman
音乐: Alexander Hacke
片长: 90分钟
年份: 2005年
类型: 纪录片
国别: Germany / Turkey
语言: English / German / Turkish
制作机构: Corazón International

影片概述 . . . . . .

    阿金描绘那些对神秘、玄妙甚至危险的东方城市来自西方的陌生审视。这是一个城市的音乐肖像,在这个城市中,东西文化交融在了一起。导演寻到的声音无比神奇、令人惊叹、独具特色、甚至混乱不堪,常常又很时尚。By watching this film you will not only explore the "Turkish music" but will also explore the city of Istanbul with wonderful pictures and scenes from all over the important regions of the city.There are lots of delightful conversations with all sorts of musicians and their thoughts about music,culture.There is also discussions about the mixture of east and west like Istanbul has,how they make their music, how do they see themselves comparing to other country's musicians.It consists the music of Ceza,Duman,Baba Zula,Aynur,Müzeyyan Senar,Orhan Gencebay..The Turkish Queen of Music Sezen Aksu...An important work of art! 德国导演费斯·阿金继《勇往直前》后拍摄的一部音乐纪录片,关于土耳其伊斯坦布尔的音乐、文化、日常生活、东西方文化交融。影片一方面展现了伊思坦布尔音乐文化,通过德国音乐人Alexander hacke在

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