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Gegen die Wand

FANHALL ID: if03587
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片名: Gegen die Wand
其它片名: 勇往直前/Head-On
导演: Fatih Akin
编剧: Fatih Akin
制片人: Ali Akdeniz
摄影: Rainer Klausmann
美术: Sirma Bradley
声音: Richard Borowski
剪辑: Andrew Bird
主演: Birol Ünel, Sibel Kekilli, Catrin Striebeck
音乐: Alexander Hacke, Maceo Parker
片长: 121分钟
年份: 2004年
类型: 剧情
国别: 德国 / 土耳其
语言: 德语 / 土耳其语 / 英语
制作机构: Arte

影片概述 . . . . . .

Homegrown Turkish directors still continue to suffer the lack of genuine characters in their movies. Therefore I have not seen many movies in which ordinary Turks would identify with one single character in a specific film. 'Gegen die Wand' is different. Here all characters are genuine and alive, no single personality is 'exaggerated' in order to render him/her more interesting. Despite this lack of artificial manipulation each character attracts attention through his/her natural appearance, gestures, and dialogs. I believe that Faith Akin will continue to direct amazing movies like this in the coming years, and keep on exciting the viewers with fresh ideas and stories 一个年轻的在汉堡生活的土耳其少女斯贝为了摆脱父母的管束,决定与一个40多岁的土耳其男人假结婚。条件是双方不履行夫妻职责。丈夫是一个玩世不恭追求幻灭的酒鬼,他对土耳其的任何风俗习惯都毫无兴趣。最终他答应了斯贝的请求。不久他爱上了斯贝。当斯贝慢慢也对他产生感情时,却太迟了。由于嫉妒,丈夫攻击斯贝曾经的一夜男友,由此被监禁。斯贝逃离亲友,带着对丈夫的许诺来到伊斯坦布尔。在那里她尝试着过着平民式的生活。几年后,丈夫从监狱刑满释放,找到了自己的妻子,希望能找到曾经的和谐。

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