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其它片名: /Road
导演: 蒋能杰
编剧: 蒋能杰
制片人: 蒋能杰
摄影: 蒋能杰, 蒋平
声音: 蒋能杰, 蒋平
剪辑: 宋志伟
音乐: 宋志伟
片长: 67分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国
语言: 湖南方言
制作机构: 棉花沙电影工作室

影片概述 . . . . . .


The film to light an Village students as the starting point of 22 private schools, through their in-depth interviews to explore the children left behind because of lack of maternal love and fatherly love as the theme . Hope that more of the social forces to focus on their family life and inner world. This also reflects the range of existing backward rural education.
XingAn Village Primary School (Primary Light) as dilapidated building problem, all evacuated to the town center in 2002 primary schools in response to government policy - focused school. Causing a series of problems: such as traffic inconvenience, too young ... ... vast majority of parents of the rural children working outside, the elderly but also the older family farm farming. However, the future home for children who have a special renting in town to accompany young grandchildren to study. Room and board in the town have money to poor families had a heavy burden. In part because no one child to read with only the morning up 56 points,Walking the dark road leading to the school. In this case, the village founded a private school, were enrolled in a 22-member schools. As a result, village leaders have gone through difficult country to apply through the various barriers to redevelopment of the "bright primary" …….。

导演阐述 . . . . . .


Director’s Statement

  The Documentary Film The Road probed these problems which occurred among children in rural area, their families and situation of present countryside nowadays from children’s eyes. The purpose of the film is call for the further concern for children’s education and these problems in their progress of growth. At the same time it can highlight village education marginalization, village education culture flaw, village culture disintegration as well as spiritual desertification.
  By way of talking with village head there, elder person and children the film also disclosed the village culture disintegration and spiritual desertification. This film displayed it from the gambling, buying lottery on horse racing, violence and crime to kid’s unwillingness to school, adult’s ignorance of education, kid’s lost of control of parents, adult’s conservative thoughts, the neglect of next generation’ s education training and the distortion of traditional rural ethics value in a different degree. Actually these were the essential problems the rural teenagers met. Nowadays with gradually material development the rural education as the main part of fostering village culture gained little emphasis from people and country.
  the countryside is in itself in the economical now the inferiority, society’s minority groups. Apart from the village culture disintegration, the spiritual desertification, issues of how to solve various problems in village caused by socialist country’s development, how the country draws attention to kids’ education and growth in village, how they survive in the competition intense society are all the themes of this film.

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  •   2010-05-03

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