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FANHALL ID: if03569
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片名: 哈尔滨旋转楼梯
其它片名: /Spiral Staircase of Harbin
导演: 季丹
制片人: 小谷亮太
摄影: 季丹
剪辑: 沙青
片长: 109分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 纪录片
语言: 普通话

影片概述 . . . . . .


On a hill in Harbin in China’s Heilongjiang Province in the director’s hometown, a girl neglects her exam preparation in favor of drawing pictures, and her mother wants her to study. Below the hill, a couple is unable to say anything to their son who is always playing with his friends. The feelings of these powerless parents blend with the atmosphere of an unforgiving modern society.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

After thirty years away, I returned to the Daowai ("outside-of -the -road")District of Haerbin.
Exactly as its name suggests ,it looks like a place that has been thrown outside the expressway of time.
Traces of the past still exist ,and buddies from my youth still live three .It's just that time has passed,fate has come around ,and my buddies' children are already young adults,at around the same age as when we dreamt our future passionately 30 years ago.

On the surface ,my old friends and I have different lives:I have been to faraway places ,I do things I like ,and I persistently seek to express myself.But the more I am with them ,the more I see the shadow of myself :an old and faded body and mind.We slaved away in a society said to be open ,yet found ourselves forsaken and powerless in this balanced and stable world .It is completely different from the trust and admiration of the future we had when we were young .But fortunately ,forever fearless young boys and young girls move forward ;hereafter,the door will never be shut.

What happened to our lives?Through this film ,I wanted to observe myself anew ,and look into the deepest recesses myself anew ,and look into the deepest recesses of the jungles of our lives.For me ,film is a way to reawaken myself .It is a medium to call back my spirit .

获得奖项 . . . . . .

此片于2010年5月之前曾参加过的影展Festival(s) where this film has been shown before the 5th CDFF 2010


FILM FESTIVAL New Asian Currents
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