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FANHALL ID: if03565
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片名: 回到达县
其它片名: /Back to Daxian
导演: 刘蘅
摄影: 刘蘅
美术: 刘蘅
声音: 刘蘅
剪辑: 刘蘅
片长: 120分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国
语言: 四川方言
格式: PAL 720X576

影片概述 . . . . . .

Daxian is located deep in the Daba mountains in the northeast of Sichuan province. Actually, Daxian is the city's former name. Its residents didn't like the name Daxian because "xian" means town, and they wanted their home to be known as a city. So they changed its name many times, finally settling on Dachuan, which is what it is called today. This video is about a group of students studying in the railway school, which is near the train station. Their class is the best of the entire grade. Chen Tingting is the discipline commissioner of the class and also my lead actor. She is cute and outgoing. In Daxian, where surrounding villages are quickly becoming expanding city, the students' parents are preoccupied with life's distractions, and the teachers are unable to do as much for the students as they would like. So the children bounce and drift towards their

导演阐述 . . . . . .

I think this is a documentary about youth. It is about a class of 7th graders in Daxian. I don't like to go back to this city although it is where I spent nearly all of my childhood. When I went back, I saw that many things were happening there that I could not ignore. Sometimes I think the city is awful, but sometimes I remember many beautiful things about it. In the country, during the winter, the soil under the green plants is a deep purple color. This is the color of the people there, vivid and powerful. All the days I spent there were happy ones, not only during my childhood but also the days with Ting Ting and her classmates. Through these people I find new meaning in daily life.

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评注: 很有意思的片子。不过 不知道地震以后的达县如何 不知道刘蘅有没有继续拍下去

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