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FANHALL ID: if03257
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片名: 陈炉
导演: 林鑫
片长: 29分钟
年份: 2004年
类型: 记录
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .


Abstract of the Newsreel Chen Lu

Chen Lu, the first experimental newsreel directed by the painter LIN Xin, tells a story of an old ceramic county with almost 1000 years of history on the hinterland of loess plateau. The newsreel is composed of a prelude with a 360-degree panorama and three other parts entitled Soliloquies, Essence of Art and Civilian Landscape. Soliloquies presents, from different perspectives, with one sentence from each native, the Chen Lu in local people’s own hearts by close-ups of tens of Chen Lu people consisted by men and women, young and old. Through the techniques of symbolizing and the scenes with tension, Essence of Art displays the attraction of traditional ceramic art, such as artificially making flans and cutting flower patterns, as well as the production procedures. The part of Civilian Landscape shows not only the folkway and civilian houses, but also the special and widely-known scenery – guanguanqiang, a wall built up with ceramic pots. With an intensive gaze and poetic wording, the newsreel attempts to impress the audience with the last view of Chen Lu – a county with a fading glory and dying traditions; a county that once made a boast of its ever-bright mountain.

Length of the newsreel: 29 minutes

导演阐述 . . . . . .


Statement of the Author

As this is my first video work, I spent one year on it with frustrations and obstacles in the process of production. I tried to incorporate various factors of experiment, records and literature into one to make it possible for the audience to understand the work via different approaches. Forty-eight out of 100 Chen Lu people were selected to illustrate, through their soliloquies, the Chen Lu in local people’s eyes.

获得奖项 . . . . . .

2005山形国际纪录片电影节 新亚洲潮流
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