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FANHALL ID: if02551
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片名: 姑妈在茶城
其它片名: /Tea Twon/姑妈在茶楼
导演: 田爱民
编剧: 田爱民
制片人: 田爱民
摄影: 李红旗
美术: 李红旗
声音: 杨旋
剪辑: 李红旗
主演: 龙鹏屹, 向大得, 田敏, 宋星雨
片长: 84分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 故事片
国别: 中国
语言: 国语

影片概述 . . . . . .

The younger brother went to the Tea Town where his elder brother is and they went for looking their aunt who has been scattered for many years. They wanted to get some pictures of their aunt as the last wish of their dying father. When it’s done, they encountered the passion affair. As the affair about them and two women which was funny and annoying went, the aunt’s family was in the shadow of the brother’s visit. In the next morning, the younger brother left without saying goodbye and got on an unknown train.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


Life is just like a show. In the life show, all those actors and I live in the Tea Town, or somewhere near. Because it’s the first time for all of us to do something about movie, we’re lack of the experience, and also for the same opinion to the life show, what I can do is just to try my best to make them in position. The rest thing is waiting. In the waiting, I hope can make you split your sides with laughter, while the life show is over. For the same reason, I hope the life show can be over ahead of time.

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