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This is Family

FANHALL ID: if02130
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片名: This is Family
其它片名: 这就是家庭
导演: Jean- Batiste ERRECA, David Dibilo
编剧: ean- Batiste ERRECA
片长: 90分钟
年份: 2008年
国别: 巴西

影片概述 . . . . . .

这部纪录片以一部虚构的电视系列片为叙事框架,中间穿插各种有趣的广告,充分展现了新兴美国家庭的千姿百态:从单亲家庭到同性恋父母家庭,从重组的家庭到由兄弟姐妹构成的家庭,到部落式家庭……导演通过走访不同的家庭和个人,希望能够展现不同形式的婚姻和家庭给同性恋人群带来的多种可能性, 以及美国同性恋人群对于政府的政治诉求。

Family remains a fundamental, even sacred, element in American society.
On May 15th this year, the California Supreme Court invalidated the ban on homosexual marriage. This makes California the second state in the US where two people of the same sex can marry.
This documentary offers an immersion into the reality of the new American family, for everything moves and evolves. We no longer talk about the family, but rather about new families: single-parent families, gay-parent families, reconstituted families, siblings, tribes...Through portraits of these families and different characters, we will discern what is at stake for homosexuals during the campaign for the White House.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

“电视系列剧和广告是美国文化的基本组成部分……这部电影中的广告非同寻常:从同性恋牛仔竞技表演,到化妆品商店,从《死亡基佬》首发式,到SLAM ARTIST CD首发式……这些广告把人们的注意力从那些沉重严肃的话题上转移开,制造出轻松幽默的效果。”

Director’s Statement:
TV series and commercials are essential components of American culture … The commercials in this film are all different: they are either local kitsch adverts (for example: gay rodeo, costume shops...), or national adverts, filmed like an MTV program (for example: the release of the FAGGOTS OF DEATH and SLAM ARTIST CD's...) All these commercials provide a break from serious and politically oriented subjects through the use of humor and a shift in subject matter.

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