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FANHALL ID: if02058
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片名: 我们要结婚
其它片名: /We Want To Get Married
导演: 石头
摄影: 明明
声音: 明明
剪辑: 石头, 明明
片长: 5分钟
年份: 2007年
国别: 中国
语言: 国语

影片概述 . . . . . .


On February 14,2007 the valentine's day, eight people, who support the homosexual partner relationship and marriage, went to SOHO Mordern City and some bus stops to gave prepared roses and cards to the passerby, bless them happy valentine’s day,and asked their support to the rights of homosexual. When seeing the words in the cards,everybody showed different reaction. When they were asked the opinion of homoerotism, or how they would think if their famili member was gay, their answer were deversiform and interesting, or even black humorious.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

这是同性恋第一次在一个普遍认为是异性情侣的节日里公开显现,而这快速的闪现却为2008年情人节更多人数的参与,2009年的同性恋在前门拍摄婚纱照,以及2009年“5.17” 国际不再恐同日,国内几个城市分别发起不同的对公众宣传活动起到激发或衍生的作用。走到公共空间,与公众交流,无疑对身心的舒展、人性的伸展都起到很好的作用。期待有一天,这一切能汇成嘉年华般的盛大节日活动!

Director’s Statement:
This is the first time homosexual showed themselves in a widely accepted hetero festival. But the quick flash inspired and derived the follows activities. More volunteers went to the street On valentine’s day 2008. Some gay couples took wedding photos at Qianmeng in 2009. And on May 17 the 2009 International Day Against Homophobia, there were different publicezing activities in some internal cities. Going to the open air and communicating with the public, it will undoubtedly benefit for body and mind stretching and humanity extending. Hope one day, all these could become a grand festival activity like carnival.

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